As Mother’s Day approaches, do you have something in mind for mom’s gift? Here is a list of essential oils every mom would want, even if they don’t know it yet! 


You don’t have to be a die-hard oil user to appreciate essential oils. So, even if mom isn’t familiar with all the research around essential oils, these starter oils can bring many benefits to her life and home. 



Lemon is best known for its capability to purge toxins from any part of the body and rejuvenate energy (more energy = every mom’s dream). It can also help reduce nausea (no mom has time for that) and can be added to food for that extra zest. 

  • REDUCE NAUSEA: 1 drop by mouth daily or as needed
  • DETOX: Apply 1-2 drops to 8 oz of water.
  • FOOD ADDITIVE: 1 drop of citrus oil can substitute for one tsp. of citrus zest. If the recipe calls for the zest from 1 citrus fruit, you can use 8–14 drops of the citrus essential oil instead.


The most used essential oil in the world: this is great for beginners! Not only does it smell amazing, but it can also be used in self-care rituals like baths, tea, and skincare. 


See our full blog post for those ideas here.



Know a mom who battles headaches? Peppermint oil is an incredible gift! The proven benefits of using peppermint make it the go-to essential oil for headaches. It also soothes feelings of nausea and helps restore a healthy appetite after an illness. It is also known to enhance brain functionality, eliminate mid-day sluggishness and enable a better level of alertness. Doesn’t that sound perfect for mom??


Morning Mocha

For all those coffee-loving moms out there! Bring the coffee shop home with our Morning Mocha Diffuse oil. This scent embodies the scent of a perfect cup of Mocha. Our 100% natural blending of essential oils is an ideal mixture of chocolate's sweetness with the dark roast scent of a freshly brewed coffee cup. 

Make sure to send mom over to our Blog to learn more about essential oils, like How to Clean Your Home Naturally, and The Best Oils to Battle Seasonal Allergies.