Are you sensitive to essential oils? Here are the signs
SEP 23, 2021

Using essential oils is an enjoyable and empowering experience. If you are new to essential oils, watch for signs that your body may be more sensitive than most. You may be using too much for your system and should dilute more than our recommendations if you notice the following:

  • Your skin becomes less moisturized or begins to look leathery in the application area
  • The application area becomes itchy or irritated
  • You develop a headache shortly after using any essential oil (Tip: Drink an additional 16-20 oz. of water for the next 2-3 days and stop using essential oils until the symptoms subside. If you wish to continue using essential oils reintroduce them to your system in a more diluted form and with less frequency of application.)
  • The essential oil is not fully absorbing into the skin within 5-7 minutes. (For children absorption may take up to 15 minutes due to carrier oil.)

You should always perform a patch test before using any new essential oil. You can read about that HERE

Because essential oils are aromatic by nature, they will quickly diffuse into the air. If you want a longer-lasting effect from your essential oils please follow these tips:


Dilute: Slow Absorption and Prolong Effects

By diluting your essential oils when applying them to the skin it slows down the rate of absorption and the amount of essential oil that is lost in the air.

Moist Warm Compress: Increases Absorption and Speeds up Effect

Because essential oils are lipophilic, by adding a warm moist cloth compress to the area, the hydrophilic nature of the water will repel the essential oil and Consequently, driving more essential oil into the skin and epidermis.