Congratulations! You have your first bottle of Be Young Essential Oils. Now what? Before you get too excited and start applying the oil directly to the skin, you need to understand dilutions. Diluting Essential Oils is required for topical usage, and the wrong dilution can lead to adverse or negative reactions. 

Carrier oils are oils from plants like seeds, kernels, or nuts and have a neutral scent. Carrier oils are not vegetable shortening, margarine, or butter. Carrier oils dilute concentrated essential oils so they can be applied to the skin safely. Because essential oils evaporate quickly and contain natural characteristics of the plants they’re derived from, they can be too strong for the skin when applied undiluted. Carrier oils help reduce the concentration of the oil without taking away any of their amazing properties. 

There are several carrier oils to consider, and each comes with its own list of benefits and disadvantages. Consider each option's odor, absorption, and shelf life to help you determine the right fit for each situation. 

Carrier Oils to Consider

  • Unrefined Coconut Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Olive Oil 
  • Almond Oil
  • Argan Oil 
  • Grape Seed Oil
  • Avocado Oil 


The information contained herein is not guaranteed to be ideal for every person or situation due to the wide variances of each person’s body's health requirements. By reading and implementing any of the suggestions, the reader is taking full responsibility to support their own body’s natural healing abilities.

0.2% dilution: The dilution for fullterm infants, ages 0-3 months

  • 0.2% = 1 ounce of carrier oil to 1-2 drops essential oil
  • 0.2% dilution per drop of essential oil = 1 ounce of a carrier oil.


0.5% dilution: For children ages 3-24 months.

  • 0.5% dilution = 1 ounce of carrier oil to 3-4 drops essential oil.
  • 0.5% dilution per drop of essential oil = 1/3 ounce of drops or 10 ml of a carrier oil


1% dilution: For children ages 2-6 years, facial applications, long term use, daily use, and accessing the subtle energetic effects of the oil.

  • 1% dilution = 1 ounce of carrier oil to 6 drops essential oil.
  • 1% dilution per drop of essential oil = 1/6 ounce or 5 ml of a carrier oil


2% dilution: Recommended for children older than 6 years, bath, and whole-body products, and is excellent for regular daily use of oil.

  • 2% dilution = 1 ounce of carrier oil to 12 drops essential oil.
  • 2% dilution per drop of essential oil = 1/12 ounce or 2.5 ml of carrier oil.


3% dilution: This rate is recommended for specific, localized discomfort.

  • 3% dilution = 1 ounce of carrier oil to 18 drops essential oil.
  • 3% dilution per drop of essential oil = 1/18 ounce, or 1.64 ml, or 33 drops of carrier oil.


5% dilution: It is recommended for short-term use for a specific concern, no longer than two weeks.

  • 5% dilution = 1 ounce of carrier oil to 30 drops of essential oil.
  • 5% dilution per drop of essential oil = 1 ml or 20 drops of carrier oil.


10% dilution: It is recommended for small areas of concern and acute situations.

  • 10% dilution = 1 ounce of carrier oil to 60 drops essential oil.
  • 10% dilution per drop of essential oil = 1/2 ml or ten drops of carrier oil.


No Dilution: For neat essential oil applications, you should always perform a spot test to check for skin sensitization and allergenic responses.

  • Neat should not be used on children under the age of 6 and infants. 

Dilution and Recipes

It is always recommended to start with 5% dilution for adults for essential oil recipes. If you find a recipe that does not include a dilution recommendation, begin at 5%. Recipes that are meant to be diffused or inhaled do not require dilution. Lastly, recipes that involve mixing the essential oil with water do not need dilution since the water acts as the diluting agent. After you can confirm no allergenic response or skin sensitivity, you may, at your discretion, and with the assistance of a professional, try a less diluted option. Always be mindful and watch for any signs of essential oil overload to your body.


You may be using too much for your system and should move to a more substantial dilution if you notice the following:

  • Your skin becomes less moisturized or begins to look leathery in the application area.
  • The application area becomes itchy or irritated.
  • You develop a headache shortly after using any essential oil (Tip: Drink an additional 16-20 oz. of water for the next 2-3 days and stop using essential oils until the symptoms subside. If you wish to continue using essential oils, reintroduce them to your system in a more diluted form and less application frequency.)
  • The essential oil is not fully absorbing into the skin within 5-7 minutes. (For children, absorption may take up to 15 minutes due to carrier oil.)


Caution: The information contained herein is intended for educational purposes only. The statements have not been evaluated nor approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, AMA, or other US government agencies. This information should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult a healthcare professional before making any dietary changes, using any products mentioned, or applying any information contained herein and before making any changes to your health care regimen — particularly if you are currently taking medication(s), are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, nursing, or if you have any other compromised health condition.